If you haven't had real life users test your website for you, that's probably something you should consider. User testing can be really informative for you as a business owner or a designer.
Reason #1: Your website should be SIMPLE
If your Grandma can't figure out how to find things on your website, then it is too complicated! You want to be sure that anyone can find what they need on your site. In reality, people are lazy. If they have to work too hard to find it, they will look somewhere else. And somewhere else might mean that they go to your competitor. Don't let them do that! There are a lot of pretty tricks that you can use when designing a website, but customers aren't all about the flash. They just want your site to work. By having real users test out your website, you will be able to identify places where things get a little too complicated.
Reason #2: Find out how consumers THINK
When you sit down and create a website for your business, there is a lot of time and thought that go into it! But you are thinking about it from the business side. You are focused on YOUR priorities. User testing allows you to crawl into the mind of a consumer. What are their priorities? When they are trying to find information, how and where are they looking for it?
Reason #3: Fix BUGS
Have you ever tried to use a website and found a broken link? What about a page that obviously didn't load right? User testing can help you identify and fix bugs and problems BEFORE they go out to most consumers.